#love at first sight
Scrolling thru lego sets on their website weekly produces a strong, opinionated wish list and level of excitement one or the other set will (probably) bring. Once this set was announced, all other wishes were forgotten in a blink!
I checked the website every couple of days to see if I remembered the date correctly, even if the date was far away at that time. In the end, the check was done daily! When the button changed from "coming soon" to "add to bag," I was there, and the package was on its way.
#what I have expected
I knew the set would be a must-have collection item, deserving a spot on one shelf with lights. The idea of wildlife and a reminder of what I want to practice at some point in my life growing bit older. I took it as a sign that things needed to start moving one way or the other.
Why not start with a meditative time of bringing this set to life and defining the life I will proceed with.
With the set being on a lower scale of how many pieces it has, my expectations were primarily on the outer details of groups of topics one sees at first glance. Let's see what happens as I build.
#what I really got
One of the cutest builds I have had with a set. The instructions are split into smaller sections, which look like a set of long paths in front of you but come out as calming achievement after every topic. It looked even too simple at some point, but the satisfaction of continuing with the next one was amazing.
The details on every part of the build are fascinating, and I think I haven't seen a set that would bring me such fascination. See the details at the end of the article and see it for yourself.
I can say "one of the cutest sets" to build, and collection-wise, one of my favorite items.
#details that fascinated me during build
Till next time, stay sexy and hydrated.